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Submit screenshot of posted Apple review or Spotify rating, plus collect the "Easter Eggs" from the November 14 episodes to win:
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Third Place: Amazon gift card ($100 value)

Second place: Free 60-min private coaching call with Colleen ($300 value)

Grand Prize:* 12-week membership in The Next Chapter ($3000 value)
*Prizes are transferable but not retroactive. If you're a current member of TNC, you can apply credit towards the Graduate program and/or 1:1 coaching package.
 AND....Check your email for your BONUS GIFT just for signing up! 
 Thank you for being one of my people. I see you, and appreciate your support.

I wrote and recorded a new short-form audio course called the Foundations of Emotional Sobriety. It will be for sale on my website in January for $99.

But I’m giving you lifetime access TODAY for free.

Get the conscious-shifting self-coaching strategies to quickly break negative emotional states so you can make measurable progress in any area of your life. 
  What’s inside the Foundations of Emotional Sobriety course? 
  8 short audio lessons (about 10 min each)
  Practice workbook for reflection (download and print)
Step-by-step guide to move from Hot Mess (Point A) to Mindset Master (Point B) in minutes
  Disable intrusive thoughts that distract and distress
Stop worrying and ruminating over things you can’t control
  Regulate your nervous system and shift into a positive emotional state at will.
Foundations of Emotional Sobriety is a reusable tool. Go through it once to get an overview. Revisit when new challenges arise.

Check your inbox for the link to create a username and password—From there you’ll have immediate access to the Foundations of Emotional Sobriety course. 

Copyright 2024 Recover With Colleen